Whether our customers are looking to introduce new products to the market, upgrade legacy products to add new capabilities, achieve cost requirements, or meet regulations, Quantum Tech Services offers end-to-end, comprehensive product design and contract manufacturing services.

Our broad set of capabilities and flexible approach allows us to be a trusted partner to customers in complex and regulated industries. Quantum Tech Services works closely with strategic manufacturing partners located throughout Australia and the rest of the World, providing us with the ability to develop intimate relationships with our customers at the local level to solve complex challenges. We provide thorough, honest and relevant communication to our customers.

We leverage our global supply chain to manage materials, production and logistics, bringing products to market faster and more cost efficiently. Our manufacturing processes are organized and strictly managed. This allows us to guarantee high quality and reliability, maintain strict product compliance and manage client delivery expectations.


In close consultation with our customers, our product design team will ensure your R&D funds are spent effectively and efficiently so that products can be realized sooner and within budget.

Our market leading production facilities will ensure products are manufactured in accordance to standards and your expectations.

Let us manage your product quality, delivery and compliance needs. We offer a full spectrum of sourcing, logistics and production capabilities.

Quality Australian made manufacturing

SE Asia manufacturing services

Low, mid and large production volumes

IPC certified

Design For Manufacture Feedback Loop / Conformance

Your IP protected

Specified components on BOM’s


